Dear Neighbor:
An ordinance to upzone single-family neighborhoods proposed by Commissioner David Suarez is going its 2nd reading, public hearing on Monday, Feb 3rd.
The ordinance as proposed would increase heights for new homes around the city while fundamentally weakening the public process for the review of new construction single-family homes in Miami Beach.
Item R5AG is proposed by Commissioner David Suarez and supported by the Planning Director and developers. The goal is to ‘streamline’ the approval process…
While the Commissioner claims that the proposal is driven by his concern regarding flooding of existing single-family homes, he fails to acknowledge that the Design Review Board Process is an important step for neighborhood review of new construction. The review process offers neighbors the opportunity to review plans and provide input, and helps to ensure compatibility under the zoning code.
Imagine the house next door to you being knocked down without even receiving a notification or information about what will be built. That is what will happen if R5A is passed!
How could we strip neighborhoods of the current review and input process which helps to ensure compatible new construction?
If they strip our single-family neighborhoods of public review, what will they take away next?
To download the agenda item with details, click here.
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